搜尋影音- Macaulay Library 及 eBird



  1. Great Blue Heron - ML621261592
    Whatcom, Washington, United States
  2. 稀樹草鵐 - ML621261583
    Montréal, Quebec, Canada
  3. 栗背林鴝 - ML621261585
    Nantou County, Taiwan
  4. Blue-gray Tanager - ML621261588
    Morona-Santiago, Ecuador
  5. Hairy Woodpecker - ML621261589
    評價 3
    1 評價
    Kenneth Eyster
    Park, Colorado, United States
  6. Yellow-crowned Night Heron - ML621261586
    Greene, Missouri, United States
  7. 疣鼻天鵝 - ML621261580
    評價 4
    1 評價
    Wayne, Michigan, United States
    備註 Some of the Mute Swans on the Detroit River
    性別與年齡 成鳥,性別未知 - 5
  8. 栗背林鴝 - ML621261573
    Nantou County, Taiwan
  9. Green Jay - ML621261579
    Guadalupe, Nuevo León, Mexico
  10. Tree Swallow - ML621261576
    Orange, California, United States
  11. Clay-colored Thrush - ML621261577
    Guadalupe, Nuevo León, Mexico
  12. 疣鼻天鵝 - ML621261574
    評價 4
    1 評價
    Wayne, Michigan, United States
    備註 Mute Swans on Detroit River
    性別與年齡 成鳥,性別未知 - 5
  13. Lesser Goldfinch - ML621261572
    J Baker
    Davis, Utah, United States
  14. Green Parakeet - ML621261575
    Guadalupe, Nuevo León, Mexico
  15. 美洲鴛鴦 - ML621261569
    Boone, Missouri, United States
  16. 美洲鴛鴦 - ML621261571
    Boone, Missouri, United States
  17. 美洲鴛鴦 - ML621261568
    Boone, Missouri, United States
  18. 美洲鴛鴦 - ML621261567
    Boone, Missouri, United States
  19. 美洲鴛鴦 - ML621261570
    Boone, Missouri, United States
  20. 美洲鴛鴦 - ML621261566
    Boone, Missouri, United States
  21. Swainson's Hawk - ML621261560
    Grand, Colorado, United States
  22. Broad-winged Hawk - ML621261557
    Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States
  23. Rose-throated Becard - ML621261565
    Guadalupe, Nuevo León, Mexico
  24. Rose-throated Becard - ML621261564
    Guadalupe, Nuevo León, Mexico
  25. Broad-winged Hawk - ML621261558
    Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States
  26. Least Bittern - ML621261563
    Cameron, Texas, United States
  27. Swainson's Hawk - ML621261559
    Grand, Colorado, United States
  28. 深山鶯 - ML621261549
    Nantou County, Taiwan
  29. Brown-headed Cowbird - ML621261561
    Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States
    性別與年齡 幼鳥,性別未知 - 1
  30. Black-bellied Whistling-Duck - ML621261562
    Guadalupe, Nuevo León, Mexico