搜尋影音- Macaulay Library 及 eBird



  1. Killdeer - ML621054759
    Dare, North Carolina, United States
  2. 裏海燕鷗 - ML621054758
    Mei Hsiao
    Kent, Delaware, United States
  3. 裏海燕鷗 - ML621054757
    Mei Hsiao
    Kent, Delaware, United States
  4. Great Black-backed Gull - ML621054756
    Dare, North Carolina, United States
  5. 笑鷗 - ML621054755
    Mei Hsiao
    Kent, Delaware, United States
  6. Hairy-breasted Barbet (Streaky-throated) - ML621054754
    評價 3
    1 評價
    Western, Uganda
    性別與年齡 成鳥,性別未知 - 1
  7. Hairy-breasted Barbet (Streaky-throated) - ML621054753
    評價 3
    1 評價
    Western, Uganda
    性別與年齡 成鳥,性別未知 - 1
  8. Eastern Phoebe - ML621054751
    District of Columbia, District of Columbia, United States
  9. Eastern Phoebe - ML621054750
    District of Columbia, District of Columbia, United States
  10. Eastern Phoebe - ML621054752
    District of Columbia, District of Columbia, United States
  11. Bald Eagle - ML621054749
    Mei Hsiao
    Kent, Delaware, United States
  12. Bald Eagle - ML621054748
    Mei Hsiao
    Kent, Delaware, United States
  13. Kelp Gull - ML621054746
    Felipe Vidal Cid
    Cobquecura, Ñuble, Chile
  14. 魚鷹 - ML621054745
    Mei Hsiao
    Kent, Delaware, United States
  15. 魚鷹 - ML621054744
    Mei Hsiao
    Kent, Delaware, United States
  16. 笑鷗 - ML621054739
    Mei Hsiao
    Kent, Delaware, United States
  17. 笑鷗 - ML621054737
    Mei Hsiao
    Kent, Delaware, United States
  18. Masked Lapwing - ML621054725
    評價 5
    1 評價
    Singapore, Singapore
    性別與年齡 成鳥,性別未知 - 1
    行為 覓食或吃東西
  19. Black Vulture - ML621054721
    Felipe Vidal Cid
    Cobquecura, Ñuble, Chile
  20. Black Phoebe - ML621054719
    Santa Clara, California, United States
  21. Ashy Prinia - ML621054718
    Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India
  22. Blue-and-white Swallow - ML621054717
    Pichincha, Ecuador
  23. Black Vulture - ML621054716
    Felipe Vidal Cid
    Cobquecura, Ñuble, Chile
  24. 橙頭地鶇 - ML621054711
    評價 4
    1 評價
    Zhejiang, China
    性別與年齡 雌成鳥 - 1
  25. 橙頭地鶇 - ML621054713
    評價 4
    1 評價
    Zhejiang, China
    性別與年齡 幼鳥,性別未知 - 1
  26. Swamp Sparrow - ML621054712
    Marisa Finkey
    Dodge, Wisconsin, United States
  27. 橙頭地鶇 - ML621054710
    評價 5
    1 評價
    Zhejiang, China
    性別與年齡 雄成鳥 - 1
  28. Eastern Kingbird - ML621054707
    Marisa Finkey
    Dodge, Wisconsin, United States
  29. Black-throated Gray Warbler - ML621054706
    mark lundgren
    Klickitat, Washington, United States
  30. 白鶺鴒(白面) - ML621054701
    Sonitpur, Assam, India
    性別與年齡 雄成鳥 - 1