搜尋影音- Macaulay Library 及 eBird



  1. 小鸊鷉 - ML624220112
    Cheshire, England, United Kingdom
  2. 白冠雞 - ML624219905
    Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
  3. Snail Kite - ML624218839
    評價 4
    1 評價
    Guayas, Ecuador
    備註 A juvenile perched on a pole and preening in a wetland, close to a Wattled Jacan
    性別與年齡 幼鳥,性別未知 - 1
  4. Snail Kite - ML624218599
    評價 4
    1 評價
    Guayas, Ecuador
    備註 Three females or juveniles perched in a wetland, one of them preening.
  5. Cape Robin-Chat - ML624218550
    Western Cape, South Africa
    性別與年齡 幼鳥,性別未知 - 1
  6. Lark Sparrow - ML624218108
    評價 5
    1 評價
    Pima, Arizona, United States
    行為 覓食或吃東西
  7. Neotropic Cormorant - ML624218178
    評價 4
    1 評價
    Guayas, Ecuador
    備註 Five birds in a Cecropia tree, preening and, two of them, disputing.
  8. Southern Masked-Weaver - ML624218144
    Western Cape, South Africa
    性別與年齡 雄成鳥 - 1
    聲音 叫聲
    行為 築巢中; 鳴唱中
  9. Southern Masked-Weaver - ML624218130
    Western Cape, South Africa
    性別與年齡 雄成鳥 - 1
    聲音 叫聲
    行為 築巢中; 鳴唱中
  10. Southern Masked-Weaver - ML624218059
    Western Cape, South Africa
    性別與年齡 雄成鳥 - 1
    聲音 叫聲
    行為 築巢中; 鳴唱中
  11. Southern Masked-Weaver - ML624218011
    Western Cape, South Africa
    性別與年齡 雄成鳥 - 1
    聲音 叫聲
    行為 築巢中; 鳴唱中
  12. Southern Masked-Weaver - ML624218006
    Western Cape, South Africa
    性別與年齡 雄成鳥 - 1
    聲音 叫聲
    行為 築巢中; 鳴唱中
  13. Wattled Jacana - ML624217930
    評價 4
    1 評價
    Guayas, Ecuador
    備註 An adult bird foraging on a wetland, close to a perched juvenile of Snail Kite.
    行為 覓食或吃東西
  14. Cape Robin-Chat - ML624217851
    Western Cape, South Africa
    性別與年齡 成鳥,性別未知 - 1
  15. Pacific Parrotlet - ML624217623
    評價 4
    1 評價
    Guayas, Ecuador
    備註 Three birds on a wire, two of them flying away.
  16. Cape Robin-Chat - ML624217574
    Western Cape, South Africa
    性別與年齡 成鳥,性別未知 - 1
    行為 築巢中
  17. Cape Robin-Chat - ML624217564
    Western Cape, South Africa
    性別與年齡 成鳥,性別未知 - 1
    行為 築巢中
  18. Cape Robin-Chat - ML624217563
    Western Cape, South Africa
    性別與年齡 成鳥,性別未知 - 1
    行為 築巢中
  19. White-backed Mousebird - ML624217478
    Western Cape, South Africa
    性別與年齡 成鳥,性別未知 - 1
    聲音 叫聲
    行為 鳴唱中
  20. Cape Bulbul - ML624217487
    Western Cape, South Africa
    備註 Collecting nesting material.
    性別與年齡 成鳥,性別未知 - 1
    聲音 非鳴叫產生的聲音
    行為 築巢中
  21. Fulvous Whistling-Duck - ML624217425
    評價 3
    1 評價
    Guayas, Ecuador
    備註 Brief view of a bird flying, repeated in slow motion.
    行為 飛行中
  22. Anhinga - ML624217267
    評價 4
    1 評價
    Guayas, Ecuador
    備註 A bird in a wetland, perched over the water and looking around.
  23. 反嘴鷸 - ML624216498
    Bengaluru Rural, Karnataka, India
  24. 反嘴鷸 - ML624216497
    Bengaluru Rural, Karnataka, India
  25. 反嘴鷸 - ML624216484
    Bengaluru Rural, Karnataka, India
  26. 反嘴鷸 - ML624216491
    Bengaluru Rural, Karnataka, India
  27. Sedge Wren - ML624216216
    Paul Driver
    Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States
  28. 鷗嘴燕鷗 - ML624216102
    Bengaluru Rural, Karnataka, India
  29. 大紅鸛 - ML624215419
    Gurugram, Haryana, India
  30. Horned Screamer - ML624215341
    評價 4
    1 評價
    Guayas, Ecuador
    備註 Two birds in a wetland, calling simultaneously.
    聲音 叫聲