搜索媒体——Macaulay Library和eBird


Macaulay LibraryeBird提供支持


  1. Eastern Bluebird - ML627836809
    David Factor
    Geauga, Ohio, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雄鸟 - 2
    标签 生境
  2. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627836587
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
  3. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627836585
    条评分 2
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
  4. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627836586
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
  5. Eastern Bluebird - ML627835864
    Claire H
    Acadia, Louisiana, United States
  6. Eastern Bluebird - ML627835863
    Claire H
    Acadia, Louisiana, United States
  7. Eastern Bluebird - ML627835762
    tim culp
    Niagara, Ontario, Canada
  8. Eastern Bluebird - ML627835670
    Greene, Ohio, United States
  9. Eastern Bluebird - ML627835355
    Fairfax, Virginia, United States
  10. Eastern Bluebird - ML627835143
    条评分 3
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雌鸟 - 1
  11. Eastern Bluebird - ML627834845
    Montgomery, Maryland, United States
  12. Eastern Bluebird - ML627834842
    Scott Jackson
    Hendricks, Indiana, United States
  13. Eastern Bluebird - ML627834290
    Boulder, Colorado, United States
  14. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627833273
    条评分 5
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雌鸟 - 1
  15. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627833272
    条评分 5
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雌鸟 - 1
  16. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627833271
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雌鸟 - 1
  17. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627833269
    条评分 3
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雌鸟 - 1
  18. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627833270
    条评分 3
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雄鸟 - 1
    行为 飞行
  19. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627833266
    条评分 3
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雄鸟 - 2
    行为 飞行
  20. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627833267
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雌鸟 - 1
  21. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627833265
    条评分 3
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雌鸟 - 1
  22. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627833268
    条评分 3
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雌鸟 - 1
  23. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627833263
    条评分 5
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雄鸟 - 1
  24. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627833262
    条评分 5
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雄鸟 - 1
  25. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627833264
    条评分 5
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雌鸟 - 1
  26. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627833257
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雌鸟 - 1
  27. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627833256
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雌鸟 - 1
  28. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627833260
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雌鸟 - 1
  29. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627833261
    条评分 5
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
    媒体文件注释 This shows EABL pooping what appears to be remains of a red berry. Both Holly a
    年龄和性别 成年雌鸟 - 1
  30. Eastern Bluebird (Eastern) - ML627833259
    条评分 3
    1 条评分
    Guilford, North Carolina, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雄鸟 - 1