搜索媒体——Macaulay Library和eBird


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  1. Cape May Warbler - ML266245031
    条评分 5
    13 条评分
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
  2. Bay-breasted Warbler - ML266246071
    条评分 5
    5 条评分
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
  3. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - ML368302791
    条评分 4
    7 条评分
    Guy Foulks🍀
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
    媒体文件注释 Video a tad wobbly at times, but great look at overall yellow olive appearance.
  4. Wood Thrush - ML333049351
    条评分 5
    4 条评分
    Guy Foulks🍀
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
  5. Louisiana Waterthrush - ML326180531
    条评分 5
    4 条评分
    Guy Foulks🍀
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
  6. Scarlet Tanager - ML411561031
    条评分 4
    3 条评分
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
  7. Hermit Thrush (faxoni/crymophilus) - ML329537681
    条评分 5
    2 条评分
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
    年龄和性别 成鸟,性别未知 - 1
    行为 觅食或者进食
  8. Swainson's Thrush (Olive-backed) - ML334349821
    条评分 4
    2 条评分
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
    年龄和性别 成鸟,性别未知 - 1
  9. Summer Tanager - ML411560671
    条评分 5
    1 条评分
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
  10. Summer Tanager - ML411560661
    条评分 5
    1 条评分
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
  11. Black-and-white Warbler - ML413161691
    条评分 4
    2 条评分
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
  12. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - ML368301611
    条评分 4
    2 条评分
    Guy Foulks🍀
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
    媒体文件注释 Decent momentary view of yellow wash to chin and chest.
  13. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - ML368301531
    条评分 4
    2 条评分
    Guy Foulks🍀
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
    媒体文件注释 "Nervous" head flicking behaviour while tracking insects I suspect.
  14. Wood Thrush - ML333543721
    条评分 4
    2 条评分
    Guy Foulks🍀
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
    媒体文件注释 Nice leafe instead!
  15. Gray Catbird - ML333048991
    条评分 4
    2 条评分
    Guy Foulks🍀
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
  16. House Sparrow - ML327807931
    条评分 4
    2 条评分
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雄鸟 - 1
    发声 鸣唱
  17. Northern Waterthrush - ML617901299
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
    年龄和性别 成鸟,性别未知 - 1
    行为 觅食或者进食
  18. Blue Jay - ML589819521
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
    年龄和性别 成鸟,性别未知 - 1
  19. Wood Thrush - ML333542891
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    Guy Foulks🍀
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
    媒体文件注释 Wood Thrush tugging on plastic. It decided on a piece of leaf instead, so Deb re
  20. Black-and-white Warbler - ML411561011
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
  21. Black-and-white Warbler - ML411560991
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
  22. Louisiana Waterthrush - ML326176781
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    Guy Foulks🍀
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
    媒体文件注释 You can hear Northern Flicker, American Robin, and White-throated Sparrow in bac
    行为 觅食或者进食
  23. Cape May Warbler - ML266244591
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
  24. Bay-breasted Warbler - ML415704691
    条评分 3
    3 条评分
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
  25. Bay-breasted Warbler - ML340175551
    条评分 3
    2 条评分
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雄鸟 - 1
  26. Northern Waterthrush - ML333553191
    条评分 3
    2 条评分
    Guy Foulks🍀
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
  27. Ruby-crowned Kinglet - ML329537401
    条评分 3
    2 条评分
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
    年龄和性别 成鸟,性别未知 - 1
  28. Worm-eating Warbler - ML329528991
    条评分 3
    2 条评分
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
    年龄和性别 成鸟,性别未知 - 1
  29. Louisiana Waterthrush - ML326182221
    条评分 3
    1 条评分
    Guy Foulks🍀
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States
  30. Wood Thrush - ML262755651
    条评分 3
    1 条评分
    Guy Foulks🍀
    Alexandria, Virginia, United States