搜索媒体——Macaulay Library和eBird



  1. Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush - ML622693080
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    Pahang, Malaysia
    年龄和性别 成鸟,性别未知 - 1
  2. Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush - ML201959101
    条评分 5
    14 条评分
    Pahang, Malaysia
    媒体文件注释 adult bird perched and later feeding. Elevation: 1036 m. Date added to IBC: Janu
    行为 觅食或者进食
  3. Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush - ML200986051
    条评分 3
    4 条评分
    Pahang, Malaysia
    媒体文件注释 A bird moving through the vegetation and foraging. At the last section Long-tail
    行为 觅食或者进食
  4. Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush - ML200783551
    条评分 3
    4 条评分
    Pahang, Malaysia
    媒体文件注释 A bird trying to penetrate the case of an insect. There are few testimonies of b
  5. Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush - ML200783191
    条评分 2
    4 条评分
    Pahang, Malaysia
    媒体文件注释 Several shots of a bird in movement. Elevation: 1035 m. Date added to IBC: June