搜索媒体——Macaulay Library和eBird



  1. Bald Eagle - ML621097116
    Aleutians West Census Area, Alaska, United States
  2. Asian Koel - ML621097152
    Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
  3. Asian Koel - ML621097151
    Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
  4. Ring-necked Pheasant - ML621097148
    Bas-Rhin, Grand Est, France
  5. Ring-necked Pheasant - ML621097149
    Bas-Rhin, Grand Est, France
  6. Brown Falcon - ML621097143
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
  7. Northern Harrier - ML621097147
    St. George's-Stephenville, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
  8. Northern Harrier - ML621097145
    St. George's-Stephenville, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
  9. Northern Harrier - ML621097146
    St. George's-Stephenville, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
    媒体文件注释 He was absolutely beautiful to see perched atop a tree next to the road as I ap
  10. Franklin's Gull - ML621097144
    Lake, Illinois, United States
  11. Swallow-tailed Kite - ML621097142
    Mato Grosso, Brazil
  12. Marsh Grassbird - ML621097139
    条评分 3
    1 条评分
    Beijing, China
    行为 发声中
  13. Marsh Grassbird - ML621097138
    条评分 3
    1 条评分
    Beijing, China
    行为 发声中
  14. Marsh Grassbird - ML621097137
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    Beijing, China
  15. Eastern Kingbird - ML621097136
    条评分 3
    1 条评分
    Woodford, Illinois, United States
  16. Black-shouldered Kite - ML621097125
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
  17. Swallow-tailed Kite - ML621097135
    Mato Grosso, Brazil
  18. American Golden-Plover - ML621097129
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    North Slope Borough, Alaska, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雄鸟 - 1
  19. American Golden-Plover - ML621097127
    条评分 3
    1 条评分
    North Slope Borough, Alaska, United States
  20. American Golden-Plover - ML621097128
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    North Slope Borough, Alaska, United States
    年龄和性别 成年雄鸟 - 1
    行为 发声中
  21. Singing Honeyeater - ML621097126
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
  22. Black-shouldered Kite - ML621097124
    Greater Geelong, Victoria, Australia
  23. Common Raven - ML621097120
    Mei-Luan Wang
    Hentiy, Mongolia
  24. Common Raven - ML621097121
    Mei-Luan Wang
    Hentiy, Mongolia
  25. Least Bittern - ML621097122
    Stearns, Minnesota, United States
  26. Long-tailed Jaeger - ML621097113
    条评分 5
    1 条评分
    North Slope Borough, Alaska, United States
    年龄和性别 成鸟,性别未知 - 1
  27. Long-tailed Jaeger - ML621097114
    条评分 3
    1 条评分
    North Slope Borough, Alaska, United States
  28. Long-tailed Jaeger - ML621097112
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    North Slope Borough, Alaska, United States
    年龄和性别 成鸟,性别未知 - 1
    行为 飞行
  29. Long-tailed Jaeger - ML621097110
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    North Slope Borough, Alaska, United States
    年龄和性别 成鸟,性别未知 - 1
    行为 飞行
  30. Long-tailed Jaeger - ML621097109
    条评分 4
    1 条评分
    North Slope Borough, Alaska, United States
    年龄和性别 成鸟,性别未知 - 1
    行为 飞行