Pesquisa de Média - Macaulay Library e eBird


Resultados da pesquisa

  1. Rufous-faced Warbler - ML616184998
    台中大雪山IBA--大雪山林道全區(Dasyueshan IBA--Dasyueshan Forest Road WHOLE AREA)(請盡可能分成數點記錄 Pick this if you don't know the location), Taichung City, Taiwan
  2. Rufous-faced Warbler - ML488621591
    classificação 4
    1 classificação
    台中大雪山IBA--大雪山林道全區(Dasyueshan IBA--Dasyueshan Forest Road WHOLE AREA)(請盡可能分成數點記錄 Pick this if you don't know the location), Taichung City, Taiwan
  3. Rufous-faced Warbler - ML449946951
    classificação 3
    2 classificações
    Chris Jones
    台中大雪山IBA--大雪山林道全區(Dasyueshan IBA--Dasyueshan Forest Road WHOLE AREA)(請盡可能分成數點記錄 Pick this if you don't know the location), Taichung City, Taiwan
  4. Rufous-faced Warbler - ML449946911
    classificação 3
    1 classificação
    Chris Jones
    台中大雪山IBA--大雪山林道全區(Dasyueshan IBA--Dasyueshan Forest Road WHOLE AREA)(請盡可能分成數點記錄 Pick this if you don't know the location), Taichung City, Taiwan
  5. Rufous-faced Warbler - ML378797191
    classificação 3
    1 classificação
    台中大雪山IBA--大雪山林道全區(Dasyueshan IBA--Dasyueshan Forest Road WHOLE AREA)(請盡可能分成數點記錄 Pick this if you don't know the location), Taichung City, Taiwan
  6. Rufous-faced Warbler - ML377735091
    classificação 2
    1 classificação
    台中大雪山IBA--大雪山林道全區(Dasyueshan IBA--Dasyueshan Forest Road WHOLE AREA)(請盡可能分成數點記錄 Pick this if you don't know the location), Taichung City, Taiwan
  7. Rufous-faced Warbler - ML377616891
    classificação 4
    1 classificação
    Cherry Wong
    台中大雪山IBA--大雪山林道全區(Dasyueshan IBA--Dasyueshan Forest Road WHOLE AREA)(請盡可能分成數點記錄 Pick this if you don't know the location), Taichung City, Taiwan
  8. Rufous-faced Warbler - ML205727351
    classificação 4
    6 classificações
    Morten Venas
    台中大雪山IBA--大雪山林道全區(Dasyueshan IBA--Dasyueshan Forest Road WHOLE AREA)(請盡可能分成數點記錄 Pick this if you don't know the location), Taichung City, Taiwan
  9. Rufous-faced Warbler - ML205745301
    classificação 4
    5 classificações
    David and Kathy Cook
    台中大雪山IBA--大雪山林道全區(Dasyueshan IBA--Dasyueshan Forest Road WHOLE AREA)(請盡可能分成數點記錄 Pick this if you don't know the location), Taichung City, Taiwan
  10. Rufous-faced Warbler - ML78422321
    classificação 2
    2 classificações
    台中大雪山IBA--大雪山林道全區(Dasyueshan IBA--Dasyueshan Forest Road WHOLE AREA)(請盡可能分成數點記錄 Pick this if you don't know the location), Taichung City, Taiwan