Pesquisa de Média - Macaulay Library e eBird


Resultados da pesquisa

  1. Black-tailed Godwit - ML621125763
    classificação 2
    1 classificação
    Edward Bell
    Jersey, Jersey
  2. Eastern Meadowlark - ML621125765
    Palm Beach, Florida, United States
  3. Eastern Meadowlark - ML621125764
    Palm Beach, Florida, United States
  4. Australian Pratincole - ML621125762
    Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia
  5. Australian Pratincole - ML621125761
    Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia
  6. Common Bulbul (Dodson's) - ML621125758
    Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
  7. Stilt Sandpiper - ML621125760
    Palm Beach, Florida, United States
  8. Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill - ML621125756
    North-West, Botswana
  9. Greater Yellowlegs - ML621125757
    Palm Beach, Florida, United States
  10. Short-billed Dowitcher - ML621125755
    Erie, Pennsylvania, United States
  11. Black-capped Chickadee - ML621125752
    Ingham, Michigan, United States
  12. Common Yellowthroat - ML621125753
    Ingham, Michigan, United States
  13. Common Yellowthroat - ML621125754
    Ingham, Michigan, United States
  14. Black-capped Chickadee - ML621125751
    Ingham, Michigan, United States
  15. Spot-flanked Barbet - ML621125750
    Western, Uganda
  16. Eastern Kingbird - ML621125749
    Tibbett Speer
    Glynn, Georgia, United States
  17. Willow Flycatcher - ML621125748
    Ingham, Michigan, United States
  18. Black Redstart - ML621125605
    Asturias, Principado de, Spain
  19. Black Redstart - ML621125582
    Asturias, Principado de, Spain
  20. American Robin - ML621125747
    Comanche, Oklahoma, United States
  21. American Robin - ML621125746
    Comanche, Oklahoma, United States
  22. Cape Starling - ML621125745
    North-West, Botswana
  23. Tree Swallow - ML621125744
    classificação 5
    1 classificação
    Ingham, Michigan, United States
  24. Tree Swallow - ML621125743
    classificação 5
    1 classificação
    Ingham, Michigan, United States
  25. White Helmetshrike - ML621125742
    North-West, Botswana
  26. Common Raven - ML621125741
    classificação 4
    1 classificação
    Summit, Colorado, United States
    Idade e sexo Adulto, Sexo desconhecido - 1
  27. White Helmetshrike - ML621125740
    North-West, Botswana
  28. European Stonechat - ML621125633
    Asturias, Principado de, Spain
  29. Merlin - ML621125739
    Erie, Pennsylvania, United States
  30. American Crow - ML621125738
    Pottawatomie, Oklahoma, United States
    Notas sobre o média Merlin can't identify the young crows. They come to eat accompanied by two adul
    Idade e sexo Juvenil, Sexo desconhecido - 3; Idade desconhecida, Sexo desconhecido - 2
    Comportamentos Voar; Forragear ou comer; Vocalizar