Pesquisa de Média - Macaulay Library e eBird


Resultados da pesquisa

  1. Brush Cuckoo (Australasian) - ML621126559
    Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
  2. Common Tody-Flycatcher - ML621126560
    Casanare, Colombia
  3. Northern Emerald-Toucanet - ML621126555
    Alajuela, Costa Rica
  4. Song Sparrow - ML621126558
    James Currie
    Luna, New Mexico, United States
  5. Red-wattled Lapwing - ML621126556
    Phetchaburi, Thailand
  6. Red-wattled Lapwing - ML621126557
    Phetchaburi, Thailand
  7. Ring-billed Gull - ML621126554
    Kings, New York, United States
  8. Brush Cuckoo (Australasian) - ML621126552
    Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
  9. Indian Thick-knee - ML621126553
    Phetchaburi, Thailand
  10. House Wren - ML621126551
    Nassau, New York, United States
  11. Purple Finch - ML621126550
    Indiana, Pennsylvania, United States
  12. Yellow-browed Sparrow - ML621126548
    Casanare, Colombia
  13. Yellow-browed Sparrow - ML621126549
    Casanare, Colombia
  14. Northern Mockingbird - ML621126547
    Nassau, New York, United States
  15. Northern Mockingbird - ML621126546
    Nassau, New York, United States
  16. Arctic Warbler - ML621126536
    thomas forster
    Finnmark, Norway
  17. Mute Swan - ML621126539
    Suffolk, New York, United States
  18. Eurasian Skylark - ML621126538
    Sveinung Sigbjørnsen
    Møre og Romsdal, Norway
  19. Curlew Sandpiper - ML621126537
    classificação 4
    1 classificação
    Western Cape, South Africa
  20. Black-collared Hawk - ML621126535
    Mato Grosso, Brazil
  21. Northern Gannet - ML621126534
    Sveinung Sigbjørnsen
    Møre og Romsdal, Norway
  22. Australian Pelican - ML621126533
    classificação 4
    1 classificação
    Cockburn, Western Australia, Australia
    Idade e sexo Adulto, Sexo desconhecido - 1
  23. Peaceful Dove - ML621126531
    Derby-West Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia
  24. Lesser Black-backed Gull - ML621126532
    Isle of Wight, England, United Kingdom
    Notas sobre o média Lesser Black-backed Gull at Yarmouth this morning
    Idade e sexo Adulto, Sexo desconhecido - 1
  25. Eurasian Spoonbill - ML621126530
    Asturias, Principado de, Spain
    Comportamentos Forragear ou comer
  26. Black-tailed Godwit - ML621126529
    Isle of Wight, England, United Kingdom
    Notas sobre o média 7 of the Black-tailed Godwits - all in breeding plumage, that were feeding but d
    Idade e sexo Adulto, Sexo desconhecido - 7
    Comportamentos Forragear ou comer
  27. Red-eyed Vireo - ML621126528
    Indiana, Pennsylvania, United States
  28. Palm Tanager - ML621126526
    Casanare, Colombia
  29. Palm Tanager - ML621126527
    Casanare, Colombia
  30. Double-barred Finch - ML621126524
    Derby-West Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia