Pesquisa de Média - Macaulay Library e eBird


Resultados da pesquisa

  1. Indian Peafowl - ML621062767
    Miami-Dade, Florida, United States
  2. Dark-eyed Junco - ML621062773
    Sally Anderson
    Snohomish, Washington, United States
  3. Eurasian Kestrel - ML621062765
    classificação 5
    1 classificação
    Leicestershire, England, United Kingdom
    Idade e sexo Juvenil, Sexo desconhecido - 1
  4. House Finch - ML621062770
    Sally Anderson
    Snohomish, Washington, United States
  5. Arctic Tern - ML621062756
    Lake and Peninsula Borough, Alaska, United States
  6. Common Chaffinch - ML621062749
    Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy
  7. Swainson's Hawk - ML621062762
    Benton, Washington, United States
  8. Arctic Tern - ML621062755
    Lake and Peninsula Borough, Alaska, United States
    Etiquetas Ninho
  9. Collared Kingfisher - ML621062760
    Krabi, Thailand
  10. Anna's Hummingbird - ML621062759
    Sally Anderson
    Snohomish, Washington, United States
  11. Arctic Tern - ML621062754
    Lake and Peninsula Borough, Alaska, United States
  12. Belted Kingfisher - ML621062758
    Benton, Washington, United States
  13. Arctic Tern - ML621062753
    Lake and Peninsula Borough, Alaska, United States
  14. Lesser Scaup - ML621062751
    Benton, Washington, United States
  15. Barn Owl - ML621062748
    classificação 5
    1 classificação
    Beja, Beja, Portugal
  16. Wood Duck - ML621062745
    Benton, Washington, United States
  17. Violet-green Swallow - ML621062747
    Sally Anderson
    Snohomish, Washington, United States
  18. Violet-green Swallow - ML621062746
    Sally Anderson
    Snohomish, Washington, United States
  19. Asian Glossy Starling - ML621062744
    Gregory Irving
    Pahang, Malaysia
  20. Great Blue Heron - ML621062743
    Sally Anderson
    Snohomish, Washington, United States
  21. Great Blue Heron - ML621062742
    Sally Anderson
    Snohomish, Washington, United States
  22. Red-tailed Hawk - ML621062741
    Sally Anderson
    Snohomish, Washington, United States
  23. Buff-banded Rail - ML621062735
    Pittwater, New South Wales, Australia
  24. Black Turnstone - ML621062739
    Lake and Peninsula Borough, Alaska, United States
  25. Hooded Merganser - ML621062740
    Benton, Washington, United States
  26. Bonaparte's Gull - ML621062738
    Charlotte, New Brunswick, Canada
  27. Buff-banded Rail - ML621062734
    Pittwater, New South Wales, Australia
  28. Violet-green Swallow - ML621062736
    Benton, Washington, United States
  29. Violet-green Swallow - ML621062737
    Benton, Washington, United States
  30. Common Murre - ML621062732
    Charlotte, New Brunswick, Canada