Pesquisa de Média - Macaulay Library e eBird


Resultados da pesquisa

  1. Eastern Kingbird - ML621143508
    Puntarenas, Costa Rica
  2. Eastern Kingbird - ML621143509
    Puntarenas, Costa Rica
  3. European Starling - ML621143505
    Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
  4. Least Flycatcher - ML621143506
    classificação 2
    1 classificação
    Mackenzie Goldthwait
    Westmorland, New Brunswick, Canada
  5. Black-billed Capercaillie - ML621143494
    Töv, Mongolia
  6. Mourning Dove - ML621143502
    Orange, California, United States
  7. Black-billed Capercaillie - ML621143493
    Töv, Mongolia
  8. Blue-winged Warbler - ML621143500
    New London, Connecticut, United States
  9. Blue-winged Warbler - ML621143501
    New London, Connecticut, United States
  10. Willow Flycatcher - ML621143499
    Baltimore, Maryland, United States
  11. Willow Flycatcher - ML621143498
    Baltimore, Maryland, United States
  12. Golden-faced Tyrannulet - ML621143492
    classificação 5
    1 classificação
    Caldas, Colombia
  13. Gray Catbird - ML621143491
    New London, Connecticut, United States
  14. Gray Catbird - ML621143490
    New London, Connecticut, United States
  15. Cassin's Vireo - ML621143488
    Yakima, Washington, United States
  16. Buff-necked Ibis - ML621143487
    Mato Grosso, Brazil
  17. Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) - ML621143486
    Baltimore, Maryland, United States
  18. Mourning Dove - ML621143485
    Baltimore, Maryland, United States
  19. Brown-headed Cowbird - ML621143483
    classificação 1
    1 classificação
    Montgomery, Maryland, United States
    Notas sobre o média This female cowbird appears to be melanistic with unusually dark wings and tail.
    Idade e sexo Fêmea Adulta - 1
    Comportamentos Forragear ou comer
  20. Brown-headed Cowbird - ML621143484
    classificação 3
    1 classificação
    Montgomery, Maryland, United States
    Notas sobre o média This female cowbird appears to be melanistic with unusually dark wings and tail.
    Idade e sexo Fêmea Adulta - 1
    Comportamentos Forragear ou comer
  21. Rufous-collared Sparrow - ML621143481
    Cartago, Costa Rica
  22. Lesser Black-backed Gull - ML621143480
    Sheboygan, Wisconsin, United States
  23. Painted Bunting - ML621143479
    joe demko
    Carteret, North Carolina, United States
  24. Common Eider - ML621143476
    classificação 4
    1 classificação
    Finnmark, Norway
  25. Common Eider - ML621143477
    classificação 4
    1 classificação
    Finnmark, Norway
  26. Indigo Bunting - ML621143478
    Baltimore, Maryland, United States
  27. Snowy Egret - ML621143468
    Leonie Batkin
    San Mateo, California, United States
  28. Hairy Woodpecker - ML621143472
    Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska, United States
  29. Common Yellowthroat - ML621143474
    Baltimore, Maryland, United States
  30. Hairy Woodpecker (Eastern) - ML621143475
    classificação 2
    1 classificação
    Montgomery, Maryland, United States
    Idade e sexo Macho Adulto - 1
    Comportamentos Forragear ou comer