Busca de mídia Macaulay Library e eBird


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  1. Mourning Dove - ML621240473
    Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
  2. Common Bulbul - ML621240474
    Gauteng, South Africa
  3. Yellow-bellied Elaenia - ML621240471
    Luiz Anjos
    Santa Catarina, Brazil
  4. House Sparrow - ML621240470
    Ongtüstik Qazaqstan oblysy, Kazakhstan
  5. Yellow-crowned Night Heron - ML621240472
    Carole Swann
    Rutherford, Tennessee, United States
  6. Golden-tailed Woodpecker - ML621240466
    Gauteng, South Africa
  7. House Sparrow - ML621240469
    Ongtüstik Qazaqstan oblysy, Kazakhstan
  8. House Sparrow - ML621240467
    Ongtüstik Qazaqstan oblysy, Kazakhstan
  9. House Sparrow - ML621240468
    Ongtüstik Qazaqstan oblysy, Kazakhstan
  10. Black-collared Barbet - ML621240464
    Gauteng, South Africa
  11. Speckled Mousebird - ML621240458
    Gauteng, South Africa
  12. Eurasian Oystercatcher - ML621240465
    Aust-Agder, Norway
  13. Yellow-crowned Night Heron - ML621240463
    Carole Swann
    Rutherford, Tennessee, United States
  14. Yellow-crowned Night Heron - ML621240462
    Carole Swann
    Rutherford, Tennessee, United States
  15. Gray Catbird - ML621240461
    District of Columbia, District of Columbia, United States
  16. Black-tailed Godwit - ML621240460
    Merseyside, England, United Kingdom
  17. Laughing Dove - ML621240446
    Gauteng, South Africa
  18. Henslow's Sparrow - ML621240459
    Washington, Minnesota, United States
  19. Song Thrush - ML621240455
    Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, France
  20. Scarlet Tanager - ML621240457
    Hartford, Connecticut, United States
  21. Song Thrush - ML621240454
    Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, France
  22. Gray Go-away-bird - ML621240456
    Gauteng, South Africa
  23. Little Grebe - ML621240453
    Vojvodina, Serbia
  24. Water Pipit - ML621240451
    Susana Noguera Hernández
    Asturias, Principado de, Spain
  25. Water Pipit - ML621240450
    Susana Noguera Hernández
    Asturias, Principado de, Spain
  26. Water Pipit - ML621240449
    Susana Noguera Hernández
    Asturias, Principado de, Spain
  27. Fish Crow - ML621240452
    District of Columbia, District of Columbia, United States
  28. Laughing Dove - ML621240438
    Gauteng, South Africa
  29. Peregrine Falcon - ML621240444
    Mackenzie Goldthwait
    Westmorland, New Brunswick, Canada
  30. Peregrine Falcon - ML621240441
    Mackenzie Goldthwait
    Westmorland, New Brunswick, Canada