Ricerca contenuti multimediali - Macaulay Library e eBird


Offerto da Macaulay Library e eBird

Cerca risultati

  1. Southern Cassowary - ML200881371
    valutazione 5
    18 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A male feeding its chick at the edge of a beach. Elevation: 32 m. Date added to
    Comportamenti Alimenta un giovane; In alimentazione
  2. Southern Cassowary - ML200881001
    valutazione 4
    7 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A preening male, with a close-up from its head. Elevation: 32 m. Date added to I
  3. Southern Cassowary - ML200880991
    valutazione 4
    7 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale Two views of a chick, the second repeated in slow motion. Elevation: 32 m. Date
  4. Southern Cassowary - ML200881271
    valutazione 4
    6 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A chick in the forest edge along an adult male, giving begging calls and foragin
    Suoni Richiamo
    Comportamenti In alimentazione; In canto
  5. Southern Cassowary - ML623560208
    valutazione 5
    3 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Età e sesso Femmina adulta - 1
  6. Southern Cassowary - ML200881171
    valutazione 4
    4 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A male and its chick foraging in the forest edge. Elevation: 32 m. Date added to
    Comportamenti In alimentazione
  7. Southern Cassowary - ML623344681
    valutazione 5
    2 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Età e sesso Femmina adulta - 1
    Comportamenti In alimentazione
  8. Southern Cassowary - ML201717501
    valutazione 4
    5 valutazioni
    Peter Waanders
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A male with its chicks on the forest edge, feeding. Elevation: 23 m. Date added
    Comportamenti In alimentazione
  9. Southern Cassowary - ML201086931
    valutazione 3
    6 valutazioni
    Ian Hempstead
    Tablelands, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale An immature bird walking slowly then running away into the forest. We saw this b
  10. Southern Cassowary - ML504525561
    valutazione 5
    2 valutazioni
    Tablelands, Queensland, Australia
  11. Southern Cassowary - ML200881691
    valutazione 3
    5 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A male in the forest edge foraging for fruit, with faint begging calls of its ch
    Suoni Richiamo
    Comportamenti In alimentazione; In canto
  12. Southern Cassowary - ML201717491
    valutazione 3
    5 valutazioni
    Peter Waanders
    Cairns, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A bird walking on the forest. Elevation: 16 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 2016.
  13. Southern Cassowary - ML200881071
    valutazione 3
    5 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A male with a chick foraging in the forest edge, the male jumping once to reach
    Comportamenti In alimentazione
  14. Southern Cassowary - ML610314474
    valutazione 5
    1 valutazione
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
  15. Southern Cassowary - ML201041551
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Tablelands, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A bird emerging from the forest edge. Elevation: 1003 m. Date added to IBC: June
  16. Southern Cassowary - ML200922941
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale Two views of a male feeding on fruits at the forest edge. Elevation: 32 m. Date
  17. Southern Cassowary - ML200889821
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Tablelands, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A female looking around while standing in a rainforest. Elevation: 1003 m. Date
  18. Southern Cassowary - ML200881701
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A male and its chick foraging in the forest. Elevation: 32 m. Date added to IBC:
    Comportamenti In alimentazione
  19. Southern Cassowary - ML200881591
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A chick in the forest edge, accompanied by an adult male. Elevation: 32 m. Date
  20. Southern Cassowary - ML200881581
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A male and its chick in the forest. Elevation: 32 m. Date added to IBC: June 23,
  21. Southern Cassowary - ML200881481
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A foraging male and its chick at the edge of a beach. Elevation: 32 m. Date adde
    Comportamenti In alimentazione
  22. Southern Cassowary - ML200881471
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A foraging male in the forest. Elevation: 32 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016
    Comportamenti In alimentazione
  23. Southern Cassowary - ML200881361
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A foraging male with its chick in the forest edge. Elevation: 32 m. Date added t
    Comportamenti In alimentazione
  24. Southern Cassowary - ML200881261
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale Two views of a male and its chick, the first in a clearing and the second in the
  25. Southern Cassowary - ML200881161
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A male and its chick walking next to a road. Elevation: 32 m. Date added to IBC:
  26. Southern Cassowary - ML200881081
    valutazione 3
    4 valutazioni
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A male and its chick walking past in a clearing. Elevation: 32 m. Date added to
  27. Southern Cassowary - ML201041541
    valutazione 3
    5 valutazioni
    Tablelands, Queensland, Australia
    Note contenuto multimediale A close-up of a bird preening. Elevation: 1003 m. Date added to IBC: June 22, 20
  28. Southern Cassowary - ML609810517
    valutazione 3
    2 valutazioni
    Tablelands, Queensland, Australia
  29. Southern Cassowary - ML624173359
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia
  30. Southern Cassowary - ML624173325
    Cassowary Coast, Queensland, Australia