Recherche de fichiers audio-visuels - Macaulay Library et eBird


Résultats de recherche

  1. Hocco d'Albert - ML277269611
    évaluation 3
    1 évaluation
    Boyacá, Colombia
  2. Pic splendide - ML277267481
    Boyacá, Colombia
  3. Moucherolle à bec noir - ML201613721
    évaluation 4
    5 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A bird at eye level at a river edge, singing repetitively. Elevation: 206 m. Dat
    Sons Chant
    Comportements Vocalisation
  4. Moucherolle à bec noir - ML201044851
    évaluation 3
    5 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A bird perched on a branch, calling once and flying away. Elevation: 206 m. Date
    Sons Cri
    Comportements En vol; Vocalisation
  5. Manakin à tête d'or - ML201044841
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A male perched on a branch, calling and flying away. Elevation: 206 m. Date adde
    Sons Cri
    Comportements En vol; Vocalisation
  6. Ermite à longue queue (groupe longirostris) - ML201044831
    évaluation 3
    5 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A rear view of a bird perched above, calling then fanning its tail and opening i
    Sons Cri
    Comportements Vocalisation
  7. Toucan tocard (ambiguus/abbreviatus) - ML201044811
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A bird calling from a tree. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
    Sons Cri
    Comportements Vocalisation
  8. Batara à nuque noire - ML201044801
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A male singing from low vegetation then flying away. Elevation: 206 m. Date adde
    Sons Chant
    Comportements En vol; Vocalisation
  9. Pic de Malherbe - ML201044791
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A bird perched on a trunk then moving up it. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to IBC
  10. Jacamar à queue rousse - ML201044781
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A bird perched on a low branch. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 20
  11. Colibri jacobin - ML201044771
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A bird perched on thin branches. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2
  12. Colibri de Buffon (groupe buffonii) - ML201044761
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A bird perched on thin branches and flying away. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to
    Comportements En vol
  13. Ariane aimable - ML201044751
    évaluation 2
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A frontal view of a bird perched on a thin branch. Elevation: 206 m. Date added
  14. Ariane aimable - ML201044741
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A bird perched on a thin branch. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2
  15. Ermite hirsute - ML201044731
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A bird perched on a low branch. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 20
  16. Trogon à queue noire (macroura) - ML201044721
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A male perched in a tree above. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 20
  17. Trogon à queue noire (macroura) - ML201044711
    évaluation 2
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A female perched in a tree above. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to IBC: June 23,
  18. Colombe de Verreaux (groupe verreauxi) - ML201044701
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A bird walking on short grass. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 201
  19. Troglodyte à ventre noir - ML201044691
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A bird moving around in a bush. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 20
  20. Manakin casse-noisette - ML201044681
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A male perched in a bush, calling once and preening while others can be heard di
    Sons Cri
    Comportements Cour, parade ou copulation; Vocalisation
  21. Tamatia barré - ML201044671
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A bird perched on a branch above. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to IBC: June 23,
  22. Bécarde unicolore - ML201044661
    évaluation 2
    5 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A male moving around high in a tree. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to IBC: June 2
  23. Organiste cul-roux - ML201044651
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires Brief views of a female moving around in undergrowth. Elevation: 206 m. Date add
  24. Pic splendide - ML201044641
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A bird perched high on a trunk. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 20
  25. Tyranneau à tête brune - ML201044631
    évaluation 3
    5 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A bird moving around in a bush. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 20
  26. Pic splendide - ML201044621
    évaluation 2
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A bird moving around high in a tree. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to IBC: June 2
  27. Pic cannelle - ML201044611
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A bird moving around in a tree. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 20
  28. Cabézon à manteau blanc - ML201044601
    évaluation 2
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A bird high in a tree. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to IBC: June 23, 2016.
  29. Trogon de Sclater - ML201044591
    évaluation 3
    4 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A female perched on a branch above in the rain, fanning her wings and tail. Elev
  30. Barbacou à front blanc (pallescens/sclateri) - ML201044581
    évaluation 3
    5 évaluations
    Boyacá, Colombia
    Commentaires A bird perched on a branch in the rain. Elevation: 206 m. Date added to IBC: Jun