Multimedia bilaketa - Macaulay Library eta eBird


Macaulay Library-(e)k eta eBird-(e)k elikatua

Bilatu emaitzak

  1. Great Blue Heron - ML621033978
    Wendy Smith
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  2. Brown Thrasher - ML620121582
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  3. Brown Thrasher - ML620121581
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  4. Golden-crowned Sparrow - ML620121568
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  5. Arrano arrantzalea - ML619542273
    Puntuazioa 3
    1 Puntuazioa
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
    Adina eta sexua Heldua, sexua ezezaguna - 1
    Portaerak Hegan
  6. Grasshopper Sparrow - ML619352308
    Jane Riker
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  7. Savannah Sparrow - ML619352289
    Jane Riker
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  8. Txirri arrunta - ML619187732
    Chad Carroll
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  9. Bonaparte txirria - ML619187715
    Chad Carroll
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  10. Red-headed Woodpecker - ML619091916
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  11. Red-bellied Woodpecker - ML619091898
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
    Iruzkina Nest is above and to right. Couldn't get both in focus!
    Adina eta sexua Ar heldua - 1
    Portaerak Habia eraikitzen
  12. Rose-breasted Grosbeak - ML619091858
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
    Iruzkina This one escorted the other away, then returned to position his gorge in the sun
    Adina eta sexua Ar heldua - 1
    Portaerak Gorteatzea, erakustaldia edo estalketa
  13. Rose-breasted Grosbeak - ML619091848
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
    Iruzkina After she posed like this, two males flew in.
    Adina eta sexua Eme heldua - 1
    Portaerak Gorteatzea, erakustaldia edo estalketa
  14. Cedar Waxwing - ML618997095
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  15. Cedar Waxwing - ML618997096
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  16. Scarlet Tanager - ML618839150
    Chad Carroll
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  17. Basahatea (etxekoa) Anas platyrhynchos (Domestic type)
    ML618839134 eBird zerrenda S173543982 Salatu
    Basahatea (etxekoa) - ML618839134
    Chad Carroll
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  18. American Redstart - ML618625423
    Chad Carroll
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  19. Northern Parula - ML618483817
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  20. Baltimore Oriole - ML618483770
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  21. Great Horned Owl - ML618483763
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  22. Ahate mokozabala - ML618483747
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  23. Common Yellowthroat - ML618483741
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  24. Common Yellowthroat - ML618483740
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  25. Arroz-txoria - ML618483730
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  26. Chestnut-sided Warbler - ML618367077
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  27. Blackburnian Warbler - ML618367070
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  28. American Redstart - ML618367058
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  29. American Redstart - ML618367057
    Hancock, Ohio, United States
  30. American Redstart - ML618367055
    Hancock, Ohio, United States