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  1. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML615906107
    calificación 3
    1 calificación
    10km west of The Forty Fours, NZ (-43.974, -175.957), Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  2. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML615857720
    calificación 3
    1 calificación
    Five km offshore of the Forty Fours at 120m depth, NZ (-43.962, -175.761), Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  3. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML615843233
    Richard Webber
    Open ocean 14 nautical miles S of Southeast Island, NZ (-44.443, -175.913), Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  4. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML615843234
    Richard Webber
    Open ocean 14 nautical miles S of Southeast Island, NZ (-44.443, -175.913), Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  5. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML615843230
    Richard Webber
    Open ocean 14 nautical miles S of Southeast Island, NZ (-44.443, -175.913), Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  6. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML615843231
    Richard Webber
    Open ocean 14 nautical miles S of Southeast Island, NZ (-44.443, -175.913), Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  7. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML615843229
    Richard Webber
    Open ocean 14 nautical miles S of Southeast Island, NZ (-44.443, -175.913), Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  8. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML615843232
    Richard Webber
    Open ocean 14 nautical miles S of Southeast Island, NZ (-44.443, -175.913), Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  9. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML615666113
    calificación 5
    2 calificaciones
    Open ocean 14 nautical miles S of Southeast Island, NZ (-44.443, -175.913), Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  10. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML615666112
    calificación 5
    2 calificaciones
    Open ocean 14 nautical miles S of Southeast Island, NZ (-44.443, -175.913), Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  11. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML615666114
    calificación 5
    2 calificaciones
    Open ocean 14 nautical miles S of Southeast Island, NZ (-44.443, -175.913), Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  12. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML615548603
    Nigel Hacking
    Chatham Islands, The Pyramid -- Offshore, Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  13. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML614975547
    calificación 3
    1 calificación
    Richard Webber
    10km west of The Forty Fours, NZ (-43.974, -175.957), Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  14. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML614790594
    calificación 3
    1 calificación
    Open ocean approx 40km W of Murumuru (Pitt Is), Chatham Islands Territory, NZ, Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  15. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML614790350
    Open ocean approx 40km W of Murumuru (Pitt Is), Chatham Islands Territory, NZ, Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  16. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML614790335
    Open ocean approx 40km W of Murumuru (Pitt Is), Chatham Islands Territory, NZ, Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  17. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML614554634
    calificación 5
    3 calificaciones
    Open ocean approx 40km W of Murumuru (Pitt Is), Chatham Islands Territory, NZ, Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  18. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML614554619
    calificación 4
    2 calificaciones
    Open ocean approx 40km W of Murumuru (Pitt Is), Chatham Islands Territory, NZ, Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  19. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML614554610
    calificación 4
    2 calificaciones
    Open ocean approx 40km W of Murumuru (Pitt Is), Chatham Islands Territory, NZ, Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  20. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML614554605
    calificación 4
    2 calificaciones
    Open ocean approx 40km W of Murumuru (Pitt Is), Chatham Islands Territory, NZ, Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  21. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML614554601
    calificación 4
    2 calificaciones
    Open ocean approx 40km W of Murumuru (Pitt Is), Chatham Islands Territory, NZ, Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  22. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML614513674
    calificación 4
    2 calificaciones
    10km west of The Forty Fours, NZ (-43.974, -175.957), Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  23. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML614513673
    calificación 4
    1 calificación
    10km west of The Forty Fours, NZ (-43.974, -175.957), Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  24. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML614491772
    calificación 5
    1 calificación
    Open ocean 14 nautical miles S of Southeast Island, NZ (-44.443, -175.913), Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  25. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML611148564
    calificación 5
    5 calificaciones
    Chatham Islands, Mangere Island -- Hut, Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  26. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML596809801
    calificación 4
    2 calificaciones
    Magenta Petrel Spot, Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  27. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML596809651
    calificación 4
    2 calificaciones
    Magenta Petrel Spot, Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  28. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML596809421
    calificación 3
    2 calificaciones
    Magenta Petrel Spot, Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  29. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML596809411
    calificación 4
    2 calificaciones
    Magenta Petrel Spot, Chatham Islands, New Zealand
  30. Paíño Dorsigrís - ML596809361
    calificación 4
    2 calificaciones
    Magenta Petrel Spot, Chatham Islands, New Zealand