Buscar multimedia Macaulay Library y eBird


Con tecnología de Macaulay Library y eBird

Search results

  1. Greater Scaup - ML619705059
    calificación 3
    2 calificaciones
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  2. Yellow Warbler - ML619601277
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  3. Eastern Bluebird - ML619601250
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  4. Snowy Egret - ML619601213
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  5. Herring Gull - ML619601200
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  6. Common Eider - ML619601167
    calificación 4
    1 calificación
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  7. Snowy Egret - ML618903594
    Susanne Meidel
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  8. Snowy Egret - ML618903586
    Susanne Meidel
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  9. Snowy Egret - ML618903578
    Susanne Meidel
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  10. Snowy Egret - ML618903570
    Susanne Meidel
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  11. Bald Eagle - ML617527999
    Sara Griesemer
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  12. Greater Yellowlegs - ML617527984
    Sara Griesemer
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  13. Greater Yellowlegs - ML617527985
    Sara Griesemer
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  14. Red-breasted Merganser - ML617527963
    Sara Griesemer
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  15. Red-breasted Merganser - ML617527944
    Sara Griesemer
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  16. Nelson's Sparrow - ML616630761
    calificación 3
    1 calificación
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  17. Iceland Gull - ML615880099
    Richard Hartzell
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  18. Saltmarsh Sparrow - ML615832552
    calificación 3
    1 calificación
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  19. Nelson's Sparrow (Atlantic Coast) - ML615832543
    calificación 5
    2 calificaciones
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  20. Nelson's Sparrow (Atlantic Coast) - ML615832542
    calificación 4
    1 calificación
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  21. American Tree Sparrow - ML614423244
    calificación 3
    1 calificación
    Susanne Meidel
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  22. Belted Kingfisher - ML614423233
    calificación 2
    1 calificación
    Susanne Meidel
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  23. Belted Kingfisher - ML614423232
    calificación 2
    1 calificación
    Susanne Meidel
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  24. Chipping Sparrow - ML614415423
    calificación 1
    1 calificación
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
    Comentarios Cell phone photo zoomed and cropped and taken through a window.
    Comportamientos Buscando alimento o comiendo
  25. Chipping Sparrow - ML614415421
    calificación 1
    1 calificación
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
    Comentarios Cell phone photo zoomed and cropped. Taken through my slightly tinted car window
    Comportamientos Buscando alimento o comiendo
  26. Hooded Merganser - ML614117803
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  27. Hooded Merganser - ML614117804
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  28. Hooded Merganser - ML614117805
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  29. Hooded Merganser - ML614117802
    Cumberland, Maine, United States
  30. Northern Harrier - ML612922702
    Cumberland, Maine, United States