Media Search - Macaulay Library and eBird


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Search results

  1. Yellow Warbler - ML575667011
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  2. Blackburnian Warbler - ML575666911
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  3. Indigo Bunting - ML455388711
    rating 1
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  4. Great Crested Flycatcher - ML455388271
    rating 5
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  5. Olive-sided Flycatcher - ML454673621
    rating 4
    2 ratings
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  6. Red-shouldered Hawk - ML454523471
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  7. Red-shouldered Hawk - ML454523441
    rating 4
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  8. Sharp-shinned Hawk - ML401213271
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  9. Sharp-shinned Hawk - ML401213121
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  10. Broad-winged Hawk - ML359581821
    rating 1
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  11. Veery - ML341560571
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  12. Veery - ML341560541
    rating 4
    2 ratings
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  13. Virginia Rail - ML297427871
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  14. Virginia Rail - ML297427861
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  15. Common Yellowthroat - ML251269161
    rating 4
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
    Age and sex Adult Female - 1
    Behaviors Carrying food
  16. Common Yellowthroat - ML251269131
    rating 4
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
    Age and sex Adult Female - 1
    Behaviors Carrying food
  17. Northern Waterthrush - ML248290861
    rating 2
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  18. Northern Waterthrush - ML248290851
    rating 4
    2 ratings
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  19. Northern Waterthrush - ML248290831
    rating 1
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  20. Alder Flycatcher - ML240829221
    rating 3
    3 ratings
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  21. Black-throated Green Warbler - ML237086711
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  22. Veery - ML237086701
    rating 1
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  23. Least Flycatcher - ML161122361
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  24. Least Flycatcher - ML161122351
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  25. Veery - ML157835841
    rating 1
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  26. Gray-cheeked Thrush - ML157835471
    rating 4
    4 ratings
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  27. Sora - ML118416451
    rating 4
    3 ratings
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
    Tags Habitat
  28. Sora - ML118416441
    rating 3
    1 rating
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  29. Least Bittern - ML118415871
    rating 4
    4 ratings
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States
  30. Least Bittern - ML118415861
    rating 4
    2 ratings
    Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States